
  • This is not garbage.It helps those people who want the help.period.

    Welcome to the three part drinking test.For the best results,please go through all the three parts of the test before you go to the results area.You must be someone who wants to stop drinking alchohol or someone who thinks about stopping drinking.Please answer "yes" on a piece of paper for the questions that directly relate to you or your current situation.Do you drink to experiment? Do you drink to "feel good?" Do you drink to be entertained by booze? Do you drink to fit in to a particular group or circle of people.Do you drink at functions like parties,weddings etc? Do you drink because it's macho or hype? (Continue to Part 2) PART 2 ADDICTIVE AND EMOTIONAL DRINKING


    The second part of the test will highlight on a particular drinker.Please answer "yes" on a piece of paper only to a question that relates to you.Do you drink because you cannot stop drinking? Do you drink because what you want to achieve or do is just not happening? Do you drink because you cannot get over a lost loved one or lost pet? Do you drink because your favourite tv show was flighted late or was not flihted at all? (Continue to Part 3) PART 3 PSYCHOLOGICAL DRINKING

  • PART 3 PSYCHOLOGICAL DRINKINGDateTue Oct 15, 2019 4:42 pm

    Welcome to the third and final part of the drinking test.Please answer "yes" on a piece of paper
    Do you drink as a means of fighting back a rich society that does not seem to care about you? Do you drink because of racist remarks against you? Do you drink because you are angry at the way someone or a system treats you? Do you drink because you wish if you were non existent?Do you drink because life is unfair? Do you drink because someone abuses you,it could be a parent a husband or a wife? (Continue to results) THE RESULTS AND CONCLUSION

  • THE RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONDateTue Oct 15, 2019 4:36 pm

    Here are your results!
    The reason why you went through all three sections of the test was so that you could find the group that you fit in without anyone imposing anything on you.Group A are the entertainment or "feeling good" drinkers.Group B are the addictive or emotinal drinkers and group C are the psychological drinkers.If you answered yes to one or more questions in group A,well done because you do not have a drinking problem.What you have developed is a habit of drinking over the years.You drink because of the sensation that you get from drinking or you drink to maintain your circle of friends or entertainment spaces and places.In group A it is very easy to stop drinking.Do not understimate the power of the mind or the power of decision.Just tell yourself."I have stopped drinking as of right now!" You must mean what you say and you will stop.Some of you will drink again here and there just to tickle their fancies but ultimately you will stop.The success rate in this group is up to 80% Group B are the addictive or emotional drinkers.The problem here is that you are feeding an "addiction".The answer is in finding a "new addiction" to feed which is not beer.The more you feed the booze addiction the more that addiction gets stronger and won't go away.Try feeding your quest for knowledge with an encyclopedia or a discovery cahannel.People are different,maybe the Word of God will feed your soul.Maybe you can even replace heavy drink with a new soft lemon drink that you have just come across.The switch from feeding the addiction to booze to feeding something else might be quick or eventual.You might go back to booze again.That will be the sign that yiu should keep on pushing and trying to find something productive that you can feed in the place of booze addiction.For the emotional people,deal with issues as they are do not hide behind booze.The Last Group.the psychological drinkers.Poverty will not cahnge because you drink.A tip,bake cakes in your kitchen and sell them door to door or at a busy place until your business grows.There are so many things to do in life.Just open up your mind.If you are abused by a parent talk to a pastor or a social worker,booze will only make things worse.If you seriously answered yes in all three groups then you have a deep problem.The good news is that these are the answers to your problem.Do not hide behind booze.learn to tackle each day and each problem as it is.You just might be a big problem solver all boxed up in the world of booze.For groups A and B the drinking test has a 40% to 60% success rate.If you drink because there is nothing to live for spend time finding out how "big" people made it in life.The more you read about them the more you will relate to some of them and spend less time drinking and more time doing something about your life.Booze cannot replace a lost loved one.This is hard but time is the healer not drinking.Everyone has a purpose in life.
    My name is Raymond Mafukidze i'm an author and i also help people to escape their problems through observations and specific revelation.
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  • DONATEDateTue Oct 15, 2019 4:32 pm

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